polite Ferret_6258 : how confident are you ?
minions365 : Scare dont invest or you can invest alittle to taste and see. Set Limit your loses.
minions365 : I saw the lowest at 0.1 something on 24 aug. If you bought and held it till. Now its a whoppping 30—40% gain!
Alvinnnnnnngenius OP : scare money don’t make money
easygoing Lyon : Holding 10k shares. Anyone with fear. peep this confidence and get in before oct 1. all the buzz says get in. or buy AVCTW if you can. super cheap and I think 11.5 exit on that one. buy now at like .078- if moomoo sells
YYVE : Absolutely Alvin no pain no gain. This is a lotto share. We just have to hold. I believe all the shorts sold yesterday
M1ke1229 : so excited
M1ke1229 polite Ferret_6258 : more confident then others
冰冷的一夜 : folllllw. Alvinnnnnnn89. I believe u
102472903_步步高升 : any expert can advice why there is bearish sign?
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polite Ferret_6258 : how confident are you ?
minions365 : Scare dont invest or you can invest alittle to taste and see. Set Limit your loses.
minions365 : I saw the lowest at 0.1 something on 24 aug. If you bought and held it till. Now its a whoppping 30—40% gain!
Alvinnnnnnngenius OP : scare money don’t make money
easygoing Lyon : Holding 10k shares. Anyone with fear. peep this confidence and get in before oct 1. all the buzz says get in. or buy AVCTW if you can. super cheap and I think 11.5 exit on that one. buy now at like .078- if moomoo sells
YYVE : Absolutely Alvin no pain no gain. This is a lotto share. We just have to hold. I believe all the shorts sold yesterday
M1ke1229 : so excited
M1ke1229 polite Ferret_6258 : more confident then others
冰冷的一夜 : folllllw. Alvinnnnnnn89. I believe u
102472903_步步高升 : any expert can advice why there is bearish sign?
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