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the bleeding will continue next month

unless there is a piece of good news next month. Amc stock price will hit the 5 dollar range. Even though we are 100 percent utilization and ftds stacking up and no help from the regulators.If retail continues to hold and the dips as we have been doing.This crazy war will not be over when amc pays off the debts. I expect ape will do its job. don't expect that the shorts will cover if amc is debt free. The only thing that is most likely to happen imo that the Financial crisis will make them cover. Remember that they never intended to cover and are sticking to that plan.
we still have more battles to win and lose. This is not for the will lose money and make gains holding. try to buy at bottom when it's red usually on a Friday at a support level.dont buy with money you don't want to lose. I don't know if the squeeze will happen Because every time it was going to they stopped it.
I know for sure it can Do they let it ? I Highly doubt it. I do know this is towards the end of this game. One side will give up and leave the ones behind on the battle field to be finished off. Consider things you can do instead of giving up on the movement before you call quits.
Buy from a lit platform. spread the word about the crime you have witnessed and write your congressman. Go watch a movie. But if your do go and sell.
Just remember you were a Part of History.
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