NewtonOj : Don’t talk about it do it paper hands better yet get out of the fucking form
The Neglect : I’m guessing you like to buy high and sell low? This is the time to be greedy my friend. Consider APE on a firesale. This is not financial advice but APE is going to squeeze due to it being so cheap and on demand
Dumb Money Space Ape : I would have bought it from you.
Dumb Money Space Ape : Doubt you ever actually held any.
71657242 OP NewtonOj : Are we not allowed to state our opinions here? Last I checked free speech was still a thing in this country.
NewtonOj : I’ve been watching all your comments Dick Head all you are is fucking negative Nancy
71657242 OP Dumb Money Space Ape : What are you basing this assumption on? Why would I even care if I wasn't holding?
71657242 OP The Neglect : I hope your right.
71657242 OP NewtonOj : This was literally my first EVER comment. Are you a bit or something?
NewtonOj : A bot no your a fud Spreader and amc and ape will go too the moon and that’s that
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NewtonOj : Don’t talk about it do it paper hands better yet get out of the fucking form
The Neglect : I’m guessing you like to buy high and sell low? This is the time to be greedy my friend. Consider APE on a firesale. This is not financial advice but APE is going to squeeze due to it being so cheap and on demand
Dumb Money Space Ape : I would have bought it from you.
Dumb Money Space Ape : Doubt you ever actually held any.
71657242 OP NewtonOj : Are we not allowed to state our opinions here? Last I checked free speech was still a thing in this country.
NewtonOj : I’ve been watching all your comments Dick Head all you are is fucking negative Nancy
71657242 OP Dumb Money Space Ape : What are you basing this assumption on? Why would I even care if I wasn't holding?
71657242 OP The Neglect : I hope your right.
71657242 OP NewtonOj : This was literally my first EVER comment. Are you a bit or something?
NewtonOj : A bot no your a fud Spreader and amc and ape will go too the moon and that’s that
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