Divided Sky : The drop over the last few days was more crazy
500万 : yesterday drop was crazier
Nobody_knows : true! When it seems impossible, it went up. I sold mine b4 mkt opened
HInBYE OP Nobody_knows : Let’s see if this rally will last or not
承蒙时光善待 500万 : It's only a small rebound today, and it will continue to rise tomorrow, but it won't be very big.
Divided Sky : The drop over the last few days was more crazy
500万 : yesterday drop was crazier
Nobody_knows :
true! When it seems impossible, it went up. I sold mine b4 mkt opened
HInBYE OP Nobody_knows : Let’s see if this rally will last or not
承蒙时光善待 500万 : It's only a small rebound today, and it will continue to rise tomorrow, but it won't be very big.