$ManpowerGroup (MAN.US)$It is a USA company listed in 1988. ...
$ManpowerGroup (MAN.US)$It is a USA company listed in 1988. From 2002 to now, the stock price has risen from $33.75 to $68.49, with an annual return of 3.6%, relatively mediocre. Half of the business is in France and the USA, while the remaining half is more diversified, with a high degree of internationalization.
In the past 5 years, the gross margin has been around 16%, and the return on net assets has ranged from 15% to 21%. It only dropped to 1% in 2020, so the two data points are relatively mediocre.
In the past 5 years, the revenue first decreased then increased and basically remained unchanged. Operating profit and net income also decreased first and then increased, showing an overall significant decline.
In the first two quarters of 2022, the revenue remained almost unchanged, while operating profit increased by 19%, and net income increased by 23%.
Currently, the PE is 9.9, TTM PE is 8.8. If it were to return to the 2018 net income level, the PE ratio would decrease to 6.4. For a company without long-term growth, without a valuation discount, the attractiveness is not significant.
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