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July P/L Challenge: How did you make the most of volatility?
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Friday Perspective

The Jobs Report Came Out Events Calendar Friday Oct. 7th 2022 Events Calendar Friday Oct. 7th 2022
The number of new jobs added to the US in september (non farm Jobs) was 263,000 jobs. This is NOT enough to make the FED piviot when the FOMC happens in early November. This was the Big data coming out this week and It did not give any hope that things are getting better. 263,000 jobs added is the LOWEST its been in 17 months and things only look darker furthur ahead....

First I have to say out loud, Im Glad Biden pardoned those with Federal Marijuana charges and asks the Govenors of the states to do the same.... BUT LETS MAKE THIS OUT TO BE WHAT IT IS:
BUYING VOTES! and There are going to be more things coming from the white house that is going to seem to come out of the blue because Biden if DESPERATE and will be doing whatever He can to presuade you that you dont want your life to get better.

On the Week coking up is a VERY big Week: INFLATION REPORT
Consumer Price Index / Producer Price Index (CPI) (PPI) : these are the Inflation Gauges that our government uses and they come out next week on Thursday

Taken From:
Taken From:
This chart shows what the forcast is for the CPI which is our best indicator for how high our inflation is. As you can see they expect the inflation rate as a whole to lower a full percentage point. I would Like to remind you that their forcast for Q3 was 8.1% and it actually came in at 8.3%. Gas prices have been on the rise again recently and OPEC+ (Euope's "Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries" and the "+" is Russia) have just agreed to CUT SUPPLY by 2 million barrels a DAY! if you remember correctly Joe Biden was just over there begging for them to INCREASE supply... Gas prices nationally have gone up seven cents since Monday. I say this because gas is the main compenent driver to everything else. If Gas has been up, then so has infaltion and their forcasts are going to be below. That will Have a HUGE effect on the markets because it will solidify (for the people who just dont wanna admit otherwise) that Jerome Powell the Fed cair is going to continue to raise rates as expected and VERY HAWKISH!
That brings us to:
A systemically important financial institution (SIFI): These are the BIG banks that our world economy depends on. They are called such because if they collapses, then it is like a game of Jenga and a SIFI is one of your support blocks, It crumbles! Credit Suisse is one such bank. It is the first one to show the tell tale signs of, well first, corruption, but also that they are FAILING! I must admit I dont know as much as I would like to YET about what is going on here. But it is IMPORTANT to realize and pay attention to. Whats happening here is the same as what happened when Barrack Obama had to use tax payer dollars to bail out the big banks here in the US during the 2008 financial Crisis. Europe looks to be in BIG trouble...

$Innovative Eyewear(LUCY.US)$
$Top Ships(TOPS.US)$
$Green Giant(GGE.US)$

My Options Plays:
$NIO Inc(NIO.US)$ & $XPeng(XPEV.US)$ In my opinion have been exaughsted out and will bounce some what Monday Unless there is another HARD selling day in the Markets Monday like there was Today.
I used the Lows of the day (so far at least) to open CALLS on $NIO Inc(NIO.US)$ (I just played Puts on NIO for the last three days very profitably.
$FREYR Battery(FREY.US)$ Is a popular stock from the "Inflation Reduction Act" (That had NOTHING to do with inflation and EVERYTHING to do with Green energy and Ifrustructure (I cant Spell) This stock has benifited by the Idea of it getting Funding from the Government. It has shown strength in the Beginning of the week and has a definet UP ward trend.... Calls on $FREYR Battery(FREY.US)$ at $15
$Rocket(RKT.US)$ Has Been showing some resistance and I Needed to hedge the fact that the Market might go up on Monday (if nothing more then just in the opening hours) So I picked up soe Calls on $Rocket(RKT.US)$ at $7

$Credit Suisse(CS.US)$ : Got a Big bounce both yesterday and Today because of the announcment it is going to pay off some 3 Billion of its debts to help settle investors fears..... This does NOT fix the problem Credit Suisse is still in and Im using the Highs to Open PUTS on $Credit Suisse(CS.US)$
$Nu Holdings(NU.US)$ Playing Off of Cedit Suisse as sympathy plays so I opened a small position in PUTS at $4
$Lyft Inc(LYFT.US)$ Is a weak company and I have PUTS that I already made money off today... May close position before the close today. But as of now Open Puts at $12.5
$Stitch Fix(SFIX.US)$ $4 Puts
$Bed Bath & Beyond Inc(BBBY.US)$ Again made some money off this today so May just sell before Close... But may hold on so I have some leverage If market does Drop Monday
Wall Street Journal
Wall Street Journal

This Volatility can make or Break you. In my opinion the answer is understanding whats going on in the Market... It creates CRAZY OPPERTUNITY! and I hope some of this was Informational.... Thank you all


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I love the market and everything about it. HARD WORK AND DISCIPLINE! follow me on Twitter @BismarkBradlee