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$ZipRecruiter (ZIP.US)$It is an American company listed at $...

$ZipRecruiter (ZIP.US)$It is an American company listed at $18 in 2021 at a current price of 16.9.
In the year of listing, revenue increased by 77.3%. Operating profit fell directly from 64.43 million to loss, while net profit was weak.
The income statement shows that operating expenses soared 124% in 2021. The most outrageous increase in management expenses reached 282%, and sales expenses increased 115%, all of which were much higher than the percentage increase in revenue.
In the first two quarters of 2022, revenue increased by 51.5%, operating profit reversed to 39.32 million, and net profit reached 21.53 million.
At the same time, however, long-term loans soared to 541 million dollars, accounting for more than three times the net assets of 150 million yuan, causing interest expenses to reach 1/3 of operating profit in the first two quarters of 2022, which is extremely burdensome.
None of the above is a sign of good management; stay away from it in the short term.
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