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  • Andrew Sankey : they are gonna say we stole their money by holding AMC and APE. that we broke the system because we didnt sell low. we figured out their game and saw the major flaw in it. Im like 99.9999999% sure that apes own the float multiple times over. but thats just me. even if we only hold just the float it still means that no matter what they do, they cant close out of their positions with fake shares. they can delay it. they can hide them and switch them around everyday paying ridiculous fees to do so. but eventually they will collapse. you cannot keep companies in fight mode like that forever. eventually they will fall

  • LEGEND OG OP Andrew Sankey : This is true. a car just like a plane and just like a battery and just like a human cannot run forever...(well unless ur one of those new diamond batteries that last 1000 years from I read) but yes the amount of money that they lose on a daily and then to only know that we won't sell. They could have ended this a long ti.e ago and not been in this situation. They continued and now risked not only the U.S. Market but the ENTIRE WORLD MARKET COLLAPSE. Think about that for a minute WORLD SYSTEMIC MARKET COLLAPSE. All because of Greed, Pride, and the fact that they didn't think we litterally meant HODL when the term was coined. Well shame shame shame on u HF for taking trillions yes with a T trillions of retails money because u didn't think you would get caught. Well blame us all u want for not wanting to capitulate on our investments. Warren Buffet said "If you can't see yourself holding a stock for 10 years. You shouldn't be investing in the stock market." So if one of the world's greatest investors said that and your telling me APES CAUSED THIS MARKET MELTDOWN. Again pride is in their agenda so they will not admit they GAMBLED RETIREES AND SOON TO RETIRE Pensions and 401k's. Admit ur defeat to dumb money (or so they call us) and u will feel much better on it. we beat them at their own game.

  • Andrew Sankey : that it exactly. i feel bad for the people that will suffer because of this but no good society can function properly and grow when it has massive levels of corruption all thru the infrastructure. in order for the market to work as it should the corruption has to be destroyed. we have to hold longer than they can get the money and given the fact that they are having to pay more and all of the world is on the verge of collapse. it all has to collapse before we can get back to a fair market. thats the simple fact that no one wants to admit. the corruption is rooted throughout the entire market structure. the foundation is good but the structure is not salvageable but still standing. do you build your nee house while the old one still stands? hell no. so in order for a free market to be made a reality this markets time has to come to an end. when everything collapses they will all want to know how did this happen. and that is when they will be open to listening about who is at fault and with connectivity like we have today it wont be difficult to get the word out

  • LEGEND OG OP Andrew Sankey : Awesome POV on the matter. Yes the corrupt have soured the playing field of the U.S. Market. Who will take Gary Genslers place? Who will be honest and fair to actually not take a bribe again from banks (if any are left standing).?Who will enforce the rules of FINRA, SEC & The Fed to actually protect retail so this bull 💩  never happens again.? I have faith in the human race as there are good people that do exist but the level of corruption in our government and abroad makes it difficult to actually asign a person or people to do their job. All it takes is 1 bad apple to ruin the bunch and eventually convince them to go back to the old ways. It's gonna take a huge group effort to prevent this from ever happening again. Any suggestions???