Lil Bliffy Bo ARTICLE : Lil Bliffy is one of the smartest musician that doesn’t get credited.
L.A. WEEKLY: The internet is a great place to find creative content, but it also can be a goldmine for talented artists from all around the world. One such artist is Lil Bliffy. He is a musician and producer from San Diego California. In an interview with L.A. Weekly, Lil Bliffy revealed that he does have a label and has never been credited or paid for her work. This is despite the fact that he’s released 3 albums and 20 singles.
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Lil-Bliffy_71303866 : Lil Bliffy Bo ARTICLE : Lil Bliffy is one of the smartest musician that doesn’t get credited.
L.A. WEEKLY: The internet is a great place to find creative content, but it also can be a goldmine for talented artists from all around the world. One such artist is Lil Bliffy. He is a musician and producer from San Diego California. In an interview with L.A. Weekly, Lil Bliffy revealed that he does have a label and has never been credited or paid for her work. This is despite the fact that he’s released 3 albums and 20 singles.