Richardggs 101737937 : Why today volume So big??
104054975 : Yes
101674947 104054975 : How much can I get in?
104054975 101674947 : 0.53 is fine. Some people say that the meeting will reach 0.60.
一天赚一点 : Can I make a friend, please?
Market Sniper OP 101674947 : Wait in the afternoon, have a chance to enter the venue, no hurry
104054975 : can buy now
Market Sniper OP 104054975 :
Market Sniper OP : How's your teacher said ? 10%-15%??
102795837 : those wanting to enter should take a look at the stock price 1 year ago from Dec to Jan. beware
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Richardggs 101737937 : Why today volume So big??
104054975 : Yes
101674947 104054975 : How much can I get in?
104054975 101674947 : 0.53 is fine. Some people say that the meeting will reach 0.60.
一天赚一点 : Can I make a friend, please?
Market Sniper OP 101674947 : Wait in the afternoon, have a chance to enter the venue, no hurry
104054975 : can buy now
Market Sniper OP 104054975 :
Market Sniper OP : How's your teacher said ? 10%-15%??
102795837 : those wanting to enter should take a look at the stock price 1 year ago from Dec to Jan. beware
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