The energy index fell 2.1% over the month as the gasoline index declined, but the natural gas and electricity indexes increased. The index for all items less food and energy rose 0.6% in September, as it did in August. The indexes for shelter, medical care, motor vehicle insurance, new vehicles, household furnishings and operations, and education were among those that increased over the month.
Small bull : already expected long ago last week
Johnnie Worker : I’ m tired for this, let it burn! Baby
doctorpot1 OP Johnnie Worker : Hahaha instead of a quick pain, they are giving us pain slowly wonder if the pain will still persist till end 2023 or not
Johnnie Worker doctorpot1 OP : This shit ain’t stop man. Lower our expectations and we feel much better
bullshyt : cpi data not really affecting the share price. I'm curious why.
doctorpot1 OP bullshyt : when it was first released it crashed, then now it recovered hahahaha well time to wait for the fed announcement already... if the dot plot gets worse, then oil price just jumped, so oct CPI might sucks
doctorpot1 OP Johnnie Worker : just wait till 2024 maybe the bull market will restart again hahahaha
EternalBlue88 : I notice market moves irrationally. As if someone manipulate it. Thats why most people lose money only some wins.
jkak : US has been in recession since june, these CPI numbers does not usefull anymore. Too many fears make the fears fearless. the stock has started plunged from june and next year 2023 will even worst?? Ehhmm i dont think so
Small bull EternalBlue88 : We all small investors compared to big fund managers who are the real culprits. That's why they keep giving speeches and through banks or any connections to get more investments. The managers boss earn billions this way.
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