102276907 : take care need dca
102872488 : how come cost is 619.10?
101577238 : How many shares?
Mavechin OP 102872488 : Cut loss
Mavechin OP 101577238 : Just lose a car
Mr-lin 183 : You can buy back all the money you sold at a lower price, and you'll have more shares. A few more times, when the time comes to pull back to the original price, you can sell more stocks
Mavechin OP Mr-lin 183 : I just told you before I got to the point where it is today.
Mr-lin 183 : You have to do it in a downward trend
102276907 : take care
need dca
102872488 : how come cost is 619.10?
101577238 : How many shares?
Mavechin OP 102872488 : Cut loss
Mavechin OP 101577238 : Just lose a car
Mr-lin 183 : You can buy back all the money you sold at a lower price, and you'll have more shares. A few more times, when the time comes to pull back to the original price, you can sell more stocks
Mavechin OP Mr-lin 183 : I just told you before I got to the point where it is today.

Mr-lin 183 : You have to do it in a downward trend