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Market in Shits and Shambles

There is no lying about it, the market is in its deepest shit ever now and short term fundamentals have changed due to extreme fear and central banks actions around the world.
- Red Days are seeing significant crashes and Green Days gains are like barely enough as tooth fillings
- Markets are selling off even on good news and any positive catalyst cant even help any stock push through resistance levels
- Aggressive rate hikes from the Fed did nothing to bring down inflation numbers hence they are going to bring more pain
- The strengthening of the Dollar is making businesses pay more for the same amount of debt they owe
- China still shutting its doors and maintaining their “zero covid tolerance” policy even when it doesnt work
- Oil and Energy crisis wont resolve in the short term due to global uncertainty and a leader of the free world who cannot even complete a sentence without mumbling rubbish
What to do now that majority of the portfolios are in the reds ? :
1. Hold your positions ( Do not sell at a loss using the concept of “acceptable losses” )
2. If you are in it for the long haul, execute your strategy
3. Dont listen blindly to what people on Youtube says
4. Do not be swayed by Youtube or Other social media ads that goes “How to profit in a Bear market”
5. if you really need to cut losses, cut those counters which you bought based on hearsays
6. There is no way to diversify in a 100% market crash situation, you can say whatever you want but you know this is true. Hence just keep cash for now
7. if you really want to DCA, make sure u set a price target based on in depth research, dont just go by gut feel, you are sure to lose money
all in all, stay safe
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