BigBadBear : The danger of gambling
Bobi2206 OP BigBadBear : He says he’s a long term investor leh. U know him? Haha
101857293 : Whenever an investment Fails, it’ Either strategic or for long term!!
BigBadBear Bobi2206 OP : No. But a long term investors shouldn’t get a margin call when there is a temporary down turn in a stock. Don’t you agree?
Daniel Zn : Lose so much money still can call master meh. Shameless sia
BigBadBear : The danger of gambling
Bobi2206 OP BigBadBear : He says he’s a long term investor leh. U know him? Haha
101857293 : Whenever an investment Fails, it’ Either strategic or for long term!!
BigBadBear Bobi2206 OP : No. But a long term investors shouldn’t get a margin call when there is a temporary down turn in a stock. Don’t you agree?
Daniel Zn : Lose so much money still can call master meh. Shameless sia