He said glove supply-demand equilibrium is expected within 6 to 9 months. Since the market is forward looking by 6-9 months, then prices of glove counters may have bottomed. The prices have given up almost all its gains in 2020 and the market may have fully priced in the anticipated downside risk for gloves including acute oversupply and margin compression due to the falling average selling prices (ASPs). But don't expect the prices to return to the heady days of late 2020. https://www.theedgemarkets.com/article/glove-supplydemand-equilibrium-six-nine-months-says-margma-president
Dons hobby : Thanks Bull very very informative I appreciate you my friend
bullrider_21 OP Dons hobby : np my friend.
bullrider_21 OP : I think Aspen is the next glove stock after Medtecs to have the most upside. It may rise to around 0.061, near to MA200.
LEng LEng : Thanks for sharing
bullrider_21 OP LEng LEng : np. We need to do macroeconomic research too. Find out what's happening in the industry. Let's make money together!
LEng LEng bullrider_21 OP : Agreed. Thanks for your great info and technical analysis always! Lets HUAT together
丰衣足食 : Samuderashipp 0.80 buy
bullrider_21 OP LEng LEng : Thanks for your kind comments. Huat ah!
丰衣足食 : Samuderashipp 0.81 best buy
bullrider_21 OP 丰衣足食 : Rising today.
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