faithful Axolotl_236
I would imagine there will be a continuous impact on particular sectors. I truly believe as a investor there will always be a opportunity to take advantage of.. being knowledgeable is key. feds news is any other information... learn to use it to your advanced .. this is my outlook...I'm a baby shark investor 6mo. in already... so any info is great info if you have it... I've placed my first option strategy today... to answer the hike question, continuous bearish events...
you have to acknowledge that this information has been and will be dynamic up in until it happens and becomes fact. Until then it's prudent to continue to discuss the impact
yes you're definitely right.. I personally believe next week will be the begging of what looms ahead with the news of Apple cutting production of the iPhone 14 pro, I think that's a really good hint of what the earnings will look like..
70554087 : if you haven't seen the effects on the market by now, seeing as how that's a month old news, you are lost....
faithful Axolotl_236 : appreciate your time to deliver in what sounds like good advice. living up to your name title... it's love
faithful Axolotl_236 : I would imagine there will be a continuous impact on particular sectors. I truly believe as a investor there will always be a opportunity to take advantage of..
being knowledgeable is key. feds news is any other information... learn to use it to your advanced .. this is my outlook...I'm a baby shark investor 6mo. in already... so any info is great info if you have it...
I've placed my first option strategy today... to answer the hike question, continuous bearish events...
Its LOVE OP 70554087 : you have to acknowledge that this information has been and will be dynamic up in until it happens and becomes fact. Until then it's prudent to continue to discuss the impact

70554087 Its LOVE OP : yes you're definitely right.. I personally believe next week will be the begging of what looms ahead
with the news of Apple cutting production of the iPhone 14 pro, I think that's a really good hint of what the earnings will look like..