When a company's executives, board of directors, and/or major shareholders buy or sell company stock based on non-public company information, this is referred to as insider trading. Being aware of insider trades can help you figure out what insiders (i.e., smart money) believe will take place in the future.
ZDaily_ : Need to make it look legit and not insider trading. Nice!
amicable Eagle_3621 : They lost one million but they made millions already. So one million is a penny for them
affable Hyena_3246 : cover up
长鸿 amicable Eagle_3621 : This is an exaggeration; they even talk about a penny
45DTE : So corrupt
长鸿 45DTE : This may mean that she is a woman who does not spend money indiscriminately, or just wants to make people pay attention to her existence lol.
therealunknwn : i dont have money for all this!
SpyderCall therealunknwn : Pelosi just had their house broken into last night and Mr. Palosi (The inside investor) was assaulted by a burglar. he doesn't deserve to be assaulted but he does need to stop insider trading