Patient Trader 70
I wanted to buy an amzn put today but was too afraid..but I should have!!! can't wait for your discord..I have more confidence in a group…at home alone I second guess my decisions a lot lol
Chart Cooker
Patient Trader 70
Oh that makes sense lol. I saw your comment about the Amazon put. It’s always best to avoid a trade if you don’t have enough conviction/analysis. Stay true to your name. More plays will come
Madamcrypto : Hey Josh.
Chart Cooker : How do you join the groupchat that you mentioned?
Patient Trader 70 : I wanted to buy an amzn put today but was too afraid..but I should have!!!
can't wait for your discord..I have more confidence in a group…at home alone I second guess my decisions a lot lol
Patient Trader 70 Chart Cooker : This is it
71508691 : Keep bringing us the info Josh. Bought a Google put on Tuesday and sold it today.
Chart Cooker Patient Trader 70 : Oh that makes sense lol. I saw your comment about the Amazon put. It’s always best to avoid a trade if you don’t have enough conviction/analysis. Stay true to your name. More plays will come
Patient Trader 70 Chart Cooker : Thanks for that. so true.l!!!
Madamcrypto : I remembered Josh, you are spot on. I am waiting patiently for what you have in store for us pertaining to options.
70789589 : Hi Josh, I'm not able to join your chat group. It says the group is full.
Jonitye 70789589 : Where‘s the group chat located?
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