Birddog : You forgot AI
Piggy Bank Trader : Shows how stupid you are. Denial is raging in this one.
Piggy Bank Trader : I think there is a word that describes someone who blames everyone else…..
ImJuliusFr Piggy Bank Trader :
Piggy Bank Trader ImJuliusFr : I like it!!
xXSavage_Red_PandaXx : and this is why u and ur fellow apes friend will lose everything
Birddog : You forgot AI
Piggy Bank Trader : Shows how stupid you are. Denial is raging in this one.
Piggy Bank Trader : I think there is a word that describes someone who blames everyone else…..
ImJuliusFr Piggy Bank Trader :
Piggy Bank Trader ImJuliusFr : I like it!!
xXSavage_Red_PandaXx : and this is why u and ur fellow apes friend will lose everything