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Lou pumped this garbage for profit

He used his gullible fan girls to pump this stock up and now he's DUMPED HIS SHARES and made profit he'll move on to something different. This happens everytime in any play he mentions. The stock pumps off a little bit of fake hype and he makes profit and sells his shares. How can you not see this?
He's done it with GTII, FNGR, CLOVER and whatever else he brainwashed people into investing in.
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  • 72768761 : Why do you care where other people put there money? .60 to $4 is a nice chunk of change. Why exactly does that anger you so much. Taken profits several times over, did you not make money in this play? That's unfortunate. Your gonna be ok 🤣

    Gimme those shoes!

  • BAG FINDER GENERAL OP 72768761 : Right you've said this once and I REPLIED TO YOUR COMMENT. The funny thing was though that you had no response to my reply....
    I don't care about your money. If you got in BEFORE LOU told you what to do then great, that's fantastic. However because you don't have much of a brain and haven't properly read the post YET AGAIN you have failed to address the point I made.
    You are so blinded by your love for a fat con man that you don't properly take time to read and instead get offended 🤣
    Next time read what is written you moron instead of completely missing the point of the post 🤦‍♂️

  • 72768761 BAG FINDER GENERAL OP : And this seems to effect you greatly. Which is weird. Curt was on here full of bravado last week, silent now. Reckon the same is in your future.

  • BAG FINDER GENERAL OP 72768761 : Oh for god sake. You are clearly in love with fat Street and follow him like he's your leader so there's no point having a proper discussion or debate with you. If you bother to read my post's and not just furiously reply in defence of a con man, (very strange that you defend someone convicted of fraud) you'll see that he pumps stocks up with the help of his deluded followers and then dumps to make profits. Sorry but if you can't see his NEW scheme then you are completely stupid. Look at the correlation of when he started hyping it up and the pump. He's sold his shares. Do you really believe that he thinks 100 dollars is possible?

  • 72768761 BAG FINDER GENERAL OP : Deep breaths cupcake, you're gonna be ok. Is the fat man in the room with you now? 🤣 Find you safe space.

  • BAG FINDER GENERAL OP 72768761 : Right then if this hasn't squeezed to 100 dollars, in the next 2 weeks what is the excuse going to be? Are you going to go silent when this stock still isn't 100 dollars by the end of 2022? I reckon in your future you're going to be just like the con man and keep making excuses for why this stock hasn't reached 100 dollars. Like he says "This play is wrapping up" (over and over again for 2 years)
    I'm sure he'll come up with something when it still hasn't happened in a year's time

  • BAG FINDER GENERAL OP 72768761 : Hahaha 🤣 I just looked when you got into this stock and just as I assumed it's right when you were told to. Don't worry the old folks fell for his schemes as well. Its just that they had an excuse because most were probably senile and dementia ridden🤦‍♂️

  • 72768761 BAG FINDER GENERAL OP : Other people's investments make me sooooo angrwy 😂

  • BAG FINDER GENERAL OP 72768761 : Quick Lou wants you to give him 100,000 dollars for his new investment overseas. He'll be back in 30 years with at least 100 times the money you originally gave him 🤦‍♂️
    I'm here to laugh at people who do whatever Lou tells them. I wouldn't call laughter anger but whatever you say 🤣

  • 72768761 BAG FINDER GENERAL OP : Awwww are there any other Youtubers that get ya all worked up or just Lou. Do ya need a tissue? Don’t want ya getting tears all over your blouse. Your gonna be ok cupcake, promise.

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