DFAG : there is where $ is make haha singapore stock less volatile. but I notice for this nio sg and hk up down % quite near but us side never follow
RebornRich : What is the good news today for Chinese stock ?
Mooooney RebornRich : China just announce they are still welcoming foreign investments. Not totally close to the world
RebornRich Mooooney : It has been so long since China stock gap up so much in a day ! Hope US China stock will be the same today
Bunny Pa Pa OP DFAG : Tonight it will jump high enough to hurt short sellers.
DFAG : there is where $ is make haha singapore stock less volatile. but I notice for this nio sg and hk up down % quite near but us side never follow
RebornRich : What is the good news today for Chinese stock ?
Mooooney RebornRich : China just announce they are still welcoming foreign investments. Not totally close to the world
RebornRich Mooooney : It has been so long since China stock gap up so much in a day ! Hope US China stock will be the same today
Bunny Pa Pa OP DFAG : Tonight it will jump high enough to hurt short sellers.