101497871 : Must alr have stock 1 day before Ex-dividend date. Can be found in Top bar, go to Summary, scroll down to find Ex-Date.
101497871 : Can only sell on/after ex-date to receive dividend
103865840 : So people just buy before the ex date for the dividend then sell after on or after the ex date?
103865840 : What is the catch?
101497871 103865840 : the price will fall by the same amount as the dividend during market opening
101497871 : people who wanna invest long term and like a steady income source (dividend), or think the price will rise soon after Ex-dividend date... basically ppl who don't mind holding the stock will just buy before Ex-dividend date
101497871 : Must alr have stock 1 day before Ex-dividend date. Can be found in Top bar, go to Summary, scroll down to find Ex-Date.
101497871 : Can only sell on/after ex-date to receive dividend
103865840 : So people just buy before the ex date for the dividend then sell after on or after the ex date?
103865840 : What is the catch?
101497871 103865840 : the price will fall by the same amount as the dividend during market opening
101497871 : people who wanna invest long term and like a steady income source (dividend), or think the price will rise soon after Ex-dividend date... basically ppl who don't mind holding the stock will just buy before Ex-dividend date