老韭菜 : It's been on sale for a long time
Milamber : Time to buy as it will go up when he is done
SweetRide Milamber : time to buy
Win more Lost less : When he said done is not really done!! Don’t catch falling knife !!
C I OP : Yes agreed, stay aside monitor safer
茶yu饭后 : Tesla is now ready to start; it can do short-term work
persistent : Does the friend still have Tesla, Inc. in his hand?
Charleneee persistent : Why did you go around and ask people what price they bought Tesla? People may not say the truth so why bother to ask?
老韭菜 : It's been on sale for a long time
Milamber : Time to buy as it will go up when he is done
SweetRide Milamber : time to buy
Win more Lost less : When he said done is not really done!! Don’t catch falling knife !!
C I OP : Yes agreed, stay aside monitor safer
茶yu饭后 : Tesla is now ready to start; it can do short-term work
persistent : Does the friend still have Tesla, Inc. in his hand?
Charleneee persistent : Why did you go around and ask people what price they bought Tesla? People may not say the truth so why bother to ask?