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Elon sells more

$Tesla (TSLA.US)$ when everyone thinks Elon done selling, no....he has to sell more to supoort twitter. twitter is in deep shit now, twitter needed more cash. Elon single and only cash infusion avenue is Tesla. low ball hunters got to be patient a little to catch a ball but not a knife. patience......
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  • Rebellion OP Wilson LH : i echoed your views, day 1,  as an investor, i was against it. BUt it is his choice, his money. i am only an investor hoping to make some extra cash. That’s why i cashed out almost 3/4 of my holdings at about 1100. slowly, i turned to PUTS and options and that made more money than investing in the stocks gains itself! funny right? Today, i saw that coming when market crashed to 52wk low, i am skeptical that those banks will finance him anymore, they are also in deep shit themselves. Therefore Elon has no choice to put up the cash upfront but to sell more stocks, his only way out. 4.4B is to cover which part? not the buying part, it is to cover the loses now, does the loses will stop at 4.4B?? of course no, it is like drilling a hole below the boat in the coean, it will eventually sink. Elon is going to sell more than that with his remainder 20% holdings. he will also use more Tesla employess engineers and code writers to work in Twitter for his personal gains.

  • Wilson LH Rebellion OP : yep & it's a good chance for us to buy more and for those who haven't get in yet. where do u learn your options from?

  • Rebellion OP : Been trading for more than 40 years now. Work in stock brokcking firm too. Learn from those veterans. Seen ups and downs. Seen suicide seen broken family. One teacher ever taught me: patiencee wins. it is not knowing what to buy, it is knowing when to sell.

  • Cskee Rebellion OP : 100% agree with you 👍
