The Dark_Knight
There's no direct correlation between float size & a company’s trajectory. Yes its easier for a quick pump but a 1m float company with no revenue & debt ridden will still go bankrupt eventually
OPThe Dark_Knight
This company is still dealing with debt , and the 800m float is for short seller to short this company to bankruptcy tthat's easy
The Dark_Knight
90% of plays this day are near their ATLs irregardless of the float size. Most pennies are in debt too, can say the same for all of them. It was just way too overpriced before because of hype & fomo
OPThe Dark_Knight
Penny trtrading with high float at 800m is only MULN others are less than 500m . Dude and MULN is so manipulated with this 800m float. I agreed with u last time bcoz I don't know anything but I have wake up already but u still dreaming
The Dark_Knight
I agree on manipulation but your logic on float size is flawed. AMZN & AAPL has billions of float, so I guess it will never go up by your logic. Anyway I don’t even own MULN.
The Dark_Knight
A company which gradually improves their products & innovates, reduces their debt & strengthens their revenue source will in the long run get up irregardless of float size. Float is only applicable when you’re generally looking for short squeezes
The Dark_Knight : There's no direct correlation between float size & a company’s trajectory. Yes its easier for a quick pump but a 1m float company with no revenue & debt ridden will still go bankrupt eventually
Alvinnnnnnngenius OP The Dark_Knight : This company is still dealing with debt , and the 800m float is for short seller to short this company to bankruptcy tthat's easy
The Dark_Knight Alvinnnnnnngenius OP : 90% of plays this day are near their ATLs irregardless of the float size. Most pennies are in debt too, can say the same for all of them. It was just way too overpriced before because of hype & fomo
Alvinnnnnnngenius OP The Dark_Knight : Penny trtrading with high float at 800m is only MULN others are less than 500m . Dude and MULN is so manipulated with this 800m float. I agreed with u last time bcoz I don't know anything but I have wake up already but u still dreaming
70205719 : huge dilution without any product, only stupids trust this company.
The Dark_Knight Alvinnnnnnngenius OP : I agree on manipulation but your logic on float size is flawed. AMZN & AAPL has billions of float, so I guess it will never go up by your logic. Anyway I don’t even own MULN.
Alvinnnnnnngenius OP The Dark_Knight : Dude how u compare MULN with amz and Apple

make ur statement right before talk to me
Alvinnnnnnngenius OP The Dark_Knight : Im sorry but u make my day
The Dark_Knight Alvinnnnnnngenius OP : A company which gradually improves their products & innovates, reduces their debt & strengthens their revenue source will in the long run get up irregardless of float size. Float is only applicable when you’re generally looking for short squeezes
The Dark_Knight Alvinnnnnnngenius OP : I'm just using your logic of bigger float means harder to increase share price lol
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