@They changed it after their $60 million dollar acquisition of that laboratory. Assuming it's ALBT to mean Avalon Labaratory. I must admit it was shocking to wake up and see my money under a weird bank name, think that maybe triggered the sell-off that day. Either way, I'm still holding, and believe in the long term potential of this company. All it takes is one innovative breakthrough to come out and this thing will pop over a dollar easily. Here's some research on this. Avalon GloboCare is Changing Cancer Treatment | Biotech | Stock Research Today Do your own due diligence, this is not financial advice.
UxFxO : @They changed it after their $60 million dollar acquisition of that laboratory. Assuming it's ALBT to mean Avalon Labaratory. I must admit it was shocking to wake up and see my money under a weird bank name, think that maybe triggered the sell-off that day. Either way, I'm still holding, and believe in the long term potential of this company. All it takes is one innovative breakthrough to come out and this thing will pop over a dollar easily. Here's some research on this. Avalon GloboCare is Changing Cancer Treatment | Biotech | Stock Research Today Do your own due diligence, this is not financial advice.