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Stock speculation, speculation is expected!

$TENCENT(00700.HK)$ $JD LOGISTICS(02618.HK)$  $Hang Seng TECH Index(800700.HK)$Stock speculation is expected, but profits require traders to jump out of their fantasies, in the face of random, chaotic and disorderly market, every trader is in a weak position, every trader should admit his limitations.

In the most practical sense, good traders are realists, while amateur traders have been living in their own bull market, yes, they think that the market has opportunities every day, every day is a big bull market.

Some traders think that trading is a ceremonial business, and some traders think that trading is an unfashionable game, but what they think is not so important. The important thing is that since they want to make money, they should know the rules of the game.

As a matter of fact, traders who lose money basically regard the stock market as a place where people wait for them to come with a lot of money, and they are complacent and even feel as if they are speculative geniuses with a little profit, and a small loss is firmly unacceptable. Bigger losses often begin.

One thought is Buddha, the other is magic, and the trader acts like a gambler, then the stock market is a casino, you can release your greed as much as you like, and then it takes away all your money, and the trader acts like a player, then the stock market is a game field, as long as you are careful enough, it will give you a chance to make money.

The more profitable traders tend to tell themselves to keep enough distance from the stock market, the more money-losing traders tend to be closer to the market, or even indulge in it all day. In fact, the same is true of gamblers. I think I'm going to win every hand.

Every trader wants to make money, although he knows that the money actually comes from other people's pockets, but few traders think deeply: why do they make money? How can I make money from other people's pockets? What are people thinking in order to make my money?

The so-called maturity of trading is not the pure feeling of the fire used in trading technology, or even the more mature traders rely less on technology. Those who talk about technology every day are either novices or analysts, and technology can be learned. But how to use it can only be understood by yourself.

It is said that trading is mature, and desire is a kind of psychological maturity, and desire is the driving force to make money, but when people cross the line, they become greedy. People are most used to making excuses for themselves, and if they can't find excuses, it comes down to luck. Luck is indeed a very good excuse, which every trader often encounters. For example, when the computer network goes offline, the opportunity appears instantly when you get up to pick up a glass of water. But we can state the fact that some traders will not get rich even if they encounter good luck, and some traders will not go bankrupt even if they encounter bad luck. If traders attribute the explosion to bad luck, that only means that the problem is still with the trading itself.

The difference between casinos after the stock market, traders should think, from their own point of view, opportunities are not every day, and in the gambler's mode of thinking, the next one will always have a chance to win. A trader may take a year to learn how to trade reliably, but it will take five years or more to learn how to leave the market and wait and see, not just in terms of market trends. It also includes the psychological aspects of trading.

The deal is like chess.

Chess is not only a game of cards, but also a game of the hearts of the people.

The same is true of the deal.

The speculative market itself does not win or lose, it is up to the people to win or lose, but what wins or loses and what is absolute? What is an absolute loss and what is an absolute win? you make a lot of money after a trade is closed, which is a win, but because you achieve a timely stop loss, you only pay a small price, is this a loss? Your opponent is the market? Is it another trader? Or yourself?

The answer to this question will never be given to you by the market itself. instead of obsessing about losing and winning with no standard, it is better to focus on right and wrong. You can be bearish or have a different understanding of losing and winning, but you can't fool yourself into what is right and wrong.

Every trader who carries the burden of winning or losing Yuyu is present for one day, tangled for one day, miserable for one day, hope for one day, and fear for one day, who has not been reincarnated in fear? Who hasn't sunk in greed? It is true that losers have the sadness of losers, but when can the remaining winners relax their glory for a moment? In fact, it is not so much a winner as a leftover, no one can beat the market, the so-called winner is only after the big waves to learn what to rein in personality to adapt to the market, learned how to survive.

People who have had an epiphany on the road since ancient times all sigh that the mountain is still the original mountain, and the water is still the original water. the so-called experience and baptism is nothing more than helping to find the original self, reading thousands of sails and washing the lead. Although it seems that we are still standing in the same place, but what is more precious is the original heart of returning to nature.

From confused pain to relaxed free and easy, and then from relaxed free and easy to confused pain, over and over again, only the traders who are tough enough are qualified to get the peace that is not Phoenix Nirvana, and the calm state of mind is the most rare happiness of time.

So high, are over-cold

The saddest thing, of course, is that the original interest has become a luxury.

Curiosity about the unknown makes gambling a great pleasure in life, but people who make a living by trading mean that they have to give up the pleasure of wanton volatility in human nature. There is no god of gamblers on the poker table and no god of stock in the speculative market. The so-called god of stocks is just more open and lose than you are, and you think he only wins and never loses.

There is no god in the world. Any excellent and mature trading system will face the problem of how to deal with losses. Perhaps this is what the stock god in your eyes most wants to say to you. In this set of excellent and mature trading system, all kinds of opening and closing rules, increase and reduction rules, risk control principles, fund management principles turn trades that you originally thought of as wanton personality into boring repetition. For emotional traders, this is sad.

When you force yourself not to do whatever you want, the direct result is loneliness and loneliness. because you need to wait for the opening signal, you feel that the off-market time has become so long that there is no opening signal, even if the market has ups and downs. I am also an unrelated passer-by, the problem is that my own system does not have an open signal, it does not mean that other people's trading system does not have an open signal, leaving the atmosphere of the public. To make your own decisions, for people who are naturally gregarious, mental loneliness is more difficult than physical pain, so trading is not as warm as you think.

In fact, not only the traders are lonely, but the market itself is also very lonely, but the loneliness of the market comes from its own lack of feelings, yes, the market itself is also cold without feelings, and he does not like a certain trader. I don't hate a certain trader, so don't be affectionate and think that you will be the favorite of the market without experience or experience. You can get rich overnight with just one wave of your own.

Don't leave the house, see the world-- rest is also stock speculation.

If you don't leave the house, you will know the world. If you don't peep into the viscera, you can see the way of heaven. He is far away, but he knows little. It is made by saints who cannot be known, do not see and become famous.

Investors do not have to go to securities companies every day to analyze and judge the trend of the stock market; they can also understand the trend of the market without staring at the market display screen every day. Investors sometimes tend to travel to securities companies more frequently, the worse their ability to analyze and judge. Therefore, stock speculators often rest at home and can check the trend of the stock market without having to experience the stock market; they can understand the changes in stock prices without looking at the market screen every day; and it is also a strategy to lead to success without having to operate every day.

People who can't rest won't work. The same is true for investors in the stock market.

Investors who will not rest will not speculate in stocks.

As the stock proverb goes, "if you lose money hard, you can make money easily." Of course, the so-called "hard work" refers to the painstaking efforts of investors to rebound, catch up and kill the fall in the stock market regardless of the general trend. The result of this kind of "hard work" is often mediocrity, no gain, and even heavy losses. The so-called "relaxed" means that when the market is complicated and confusing, investors might as well take a rest for a while, watch the fire from the sidelines, and operate chic and unrestrained as soon as the stock market trend is established.

When the direction of the stock market is not established, it is often characterized by repeated shocks, ups and downs, mixed with sorting out the market, when the market has no rules to follow, and it is difficult to predict in the future. If investors are confused about the operation of the stock market, they might as well take a break and wait until the stock market comes out of the stage of shock and consolidation before making a decision.

The market atmosphere is like an infectious disease. When the market is good, the market atmosphere is optimistic. Under the infection of this atmosphere, it is easy for many investors to catch up, and it is becoming more and more difficult to control the risk of catching up at high levels. Or, soon after the market starts, many investors will fall into "fear of heights" and are busy "losing weight on heights", fearing that the market will quickly turn around and lose the opportunity to make a profit or reduce losses. This kind of atmosphere will also be contagious in the market, causing many investors to step into the air and lose the opportunity to do a wave of the market. If investors know how to rest, they can avoid being infected by the market atmosphere, not only not chasing up at the high level, but also making the low chips not give up halfway.

On the contrary, when the market falls, the atmosphere of market rebound and meat cutting will be very strong, choosing the opportunity to rest can also avoid the wrong operation of investors to rebound and cut meat.

Experts who study psychology believe that the psychology of the masses is most easily affected by the surrounding environment, and the mood of the masses is most easily affected by the surrounding atmosphere. The stock market is a place where investors gather, and investors inevitably influence each other, so that because of the "herd psychology", they make wrong choices against their own operating ideas and plans.

Rest can ease your nervous mood and help to change your abnormal state of mind. During the rest, you can calmly summarize the gains and losses of the previous operation, so that your own experience and lessons can be sublimated to facilitate the next stage of war. As the saying goes, "if you take back your fist, you will fight harder."

Rest is the result and summary of the previous stage; rest is the preparation and beginning of the next stage.

Investors in the stock market generally think that they should actively participate in trading and "buy" and "sell" at any time. If they do not trade, they will feel uncomfortable all over. However, I am afraid that this kind of investment with high turnover will actually lose more and win less. Even if there is a surplus, there will not be much profit if we pay multiple commissions and transaction taxes. Once you have bad luck and Lien Chan loses in a row, it will be even worse. In the stock market, everyone has the spirit of participation, but sometimes because whether you buy or sell, you can't make money. At this time, it is best to put your stock money away and have a rest. When there is a loss, it is best to rest and suspend trading. Because of the bad luck at this time, the analysis of the head is not calm enough, and the heart is anxious, it is not easy to intervene in the stock market. As long as you have the money, you can make a comeback whenever you want. We must not think that there is always a chance to lose and never come back again, but to take risks and gamble in the stock market with a fluke mentality. None of them is the ultimate winner. If you are confused, you don't know whether to buy or sell. You should also have a rest at this time. Don't follow the trend blindly.

Some investors even watch the management's news about the stock market every day.

But it is also vulnerable to market sentiment. As experts say: in general, if small investors want to avoid being "infected" by the market atmosphere, they had better not go to the market.

Just look at the securities brokerage chart after the event. When the stock price meets its "target price", it buys or sells decisively. H so there is always a solution, instead of blindly following the "market atmosphere" in a panic. If the formulation of the "target price" can carefully analyze and estimate the cost-to-profit ratio or cost-to-profit ratio of each stock on the basis of the basic analysis of stock prices, then it will certainly be more helpful to the choice of investment, or at least it will not be trapped in panic. I don't know what to do.

Once you decide to take a break, you must carry it out thoroughly. If you just stop selling and continue to buy people, or stop buying and continue to sell, it is not a real rest, it does not achieve the purpose of rest, and it is meaningless. People who really master the secrets of the market will wisely choose to rest when they can't decide to buy or sell. "to buy, to sell, to rest" is a principle of investing in stocks. Of course, rest is not really doing nothing and doing nothing, but while not buying and selling for the time being, analyze and predict how the market will change in the future, actively prepare for the next investment, and formulate strategies and tactics for the next time. Therefore, rest is also one of the ways to invest.

To govern a big country is to cook something fresh-- grasp the opportunity.

To govern a big country is to cook something fresh. If the world is blessed with Tao, the ghost is not divine. If it is not his ghost, his god will not hurt others. Neither the gods nor the saints hurt people, and the two husbands do not hurt each other, so virtue returns.

No matter how big the money is, you should seize the opportunity like stir-frying small fish.

Using the way of stock speculation in the stock market, even ghosts can not play a role. It's not that the ghosts' tricks don't work, but that they can't hurt themselves. It is not that its role can not hurt investors, but stock speculators are good at seizing the opportunity and evading it. In this way, the ghost stock market index can not hurt yourself, so you have mastered the truth of seizing the opportunity.

Speculate in stocks, just like chefs fry fish.

First of all, to master the heat, the cook must pay attention to the heat, the stove should be hot, the pan should be thoroughly boiled, and the oil should be well boiled, otherwise, after the fish is put into the pot, it will be easy to stick to the pan and stir-fry the lake, and the fried fish will be out of shape. Investors invest in stocks, if the time is not right, the heat is not enough, and eager for the human market, it is often a set at a time, a loss at a time, the time has come, easy people's market, you can make a steady profit.

Second, be good at preserving yourself. When the cook is not hot, the fresh fish is not in a hurry to put in the pot; when the fish is fried and then overcooked, quickly start the pot, both cases are to save themselves, otherwise it will bring losses. When investors invest in stocks, they should pay attention to: before the time has come, they should resolutely save themselves, and never easily enter the market; if a bear market is approaching, even if they lose money, they should quickly withdraw and preserve their effective strength; if the bull market has gone almost or they have made huge profits, they should also resolutely withdraw, and to preserve the fruits of the battle is to preserve themselves.

Third, avoid hesitation. Good cooks put the fish in and out of the pot without hesitation. When it goes on and on, you will suffer from it. Investors should also follow this principle when investing in stocks. When the fire comes, resolute people will not hesitate; if you make a huge profit, you will resolutely ship the goods without hesitation; when it is time to go back, you will resolutely cut the meat without hesitation!

The so-called "timing" of the stock market is not a concept of "point", but a concept of "stage". Because the stock price trend is continuous, day after day, never stop.

The upward trend to the downward trend of stock prices is not completed immediately in a few hours or a day, but changes gradually and slowly. If the rising trend is subdivided into the process of falling trend, it can be roughly divided into three "stages": the rising trend easing stage, the rising trend stopping stage, and the falling stage. In a broad sense, all three stages can be said to be "selling time". However, which stage is the most appropriate to sell depends on the decision of the investor.

The shift of stock prices from a downward trend to an upward trend cannot be achieved in a few hours or one or two days, but gradually rises gradually. Sometimes, the delay between "falling" and "picking up" is longer than the period of the downtrend itself.

If the stock price decline turning to the rising process to subdivide, it can also be divided into three stages: ① decline moderation stage; ② decline cut-off stage; ③ recovery stage. These three stages are also the time to buy.

The three stages of the stock price trend from decline to recovery are the time to buy, so when is the best time to buy? It also depends on the conditions and operating mentality of the investors. Investors with more money, or those who operate in several parts, should see the moderation of the decline as the time to buy, because such investors have to buy stage by stage in order to buy the required stocks. Small investors might as well wait until the stock price really rises, because small investors have limited funds and cannot buy downwards in a pyramid, and small investors are easy to buy all at once. As for the lowest buying opportunity, it can only be enjoyed by "market experts".

One of the main characteristics of "money" is liquidity. The money in other people's pockets yesterday is in your pocket today, but how can you know that the money in your pocket will not fall into other people's pockets tomorrow?

Some people say that money chasing people can not be blocked; people chasing money can not be touched. The object of banknotes seems to be concrete, but in fact it is ethereal and elusive. Can't you see that all the banknotes in the comics have wings? People are born with only two feet. Isn't it tiring to chase wings with two feet? However, if you seize the opportunity, it will often give you both sides.

The place closest to and farthest from wealth is the stock market. Therefore, people who are immersed in the stock market are most likely to get rich and most likely to lose money. If the operation is correct, the money will automatically come to you, and you will make a lot of money and make a lot of money. if you make a mistake, even though you make a lot of trouble and make a lot of effort, it will be in vain. All you have to do is to watch the money fly away.

What is the dividing line between profit and loss in the stock market? To put it bluntly, it is the word "timing".

As long as there is a day in the stock market, there must be an opportunity to make money. On the contrary, there is bound to be a time to lose money. Because the stock market changes every minute, someone makes money every minute, and someone loses money every minute. People with good timing-those who buy at low prices and sell at high prices-tend to surround him with banknotes. Those who do not grasp the timing have no choice but to watch the banknotes fly by. When is there an opportunity to make money? The answer is that there is always an opportunity to make money. In the short term, there are also some people who "grab the hat" every day, so we can see that there is an opportunity to make a profit every day. However, when there is the smallest opportunity to make a profit that day, those who have made great gains in the stock market are generally those who enter the market when everyone is pessimistic and at a loss, and those who come out when everyone is excited and optimistic.

The veteran stock investor has a saying: "it is better to choose stocks than to choose stocks." in other words, even if you are very good at stock selection, it will be unprofitable if you invest at the wrong time.

Investment is like rowing, "following the trend" can get twice the result with half the effort; if you go against the stock price trend, it is often thankless. For example, if you are long at the beginning of the uptrend market, you can expect to make a profit; on the other hand, if the downtrend market is about to turn the tide and support the overall situation alone, you will be lucky not to lose its old capital.

The rational investment principle is: know advance and retreat, keep abreast of the times, not greedy, not rash forward. It is common for some investors to be too conceited about their holdings, but ignorant of the general trend, so they often get worried; some investors are too cautious or even flinch, and the market has gone up, but they are forced to sell it and crack down on it, so that they are often run short. From this point of view, it is better to be good at studying and judging the situation of the stock market, such as market trends, timing, prosperity or not (that is, those who are good at analyzing the stock market) than to be good at judging whether individual stocks have investment value. for example, whether the stock price is reasonable, value ratio, cost-to-profit ratio, etc. (that is, stock price analysis). Once you have a good understanding of the general situation, you will be able to move at the right time without taking the liberty of making unnecessary sacrifices. As the saying goes, "those who look at the trend make a lot of money."

The basis of choosing the appropriate entry and exit time lies in the correct study and judgment of the stock price trend. Only when the research and judgment trend is correct, the entry and exit decisions can be profitable, otherwise it is bound to have the opposite effect. This is the difficulty of stock market analysis.

We often seem to make money by technology, but in the end we lose out on execution.

You ask a trader why he chooses to speculate.

I think most of the reason is that it is easy to make money. Apart from hearsay myths, some news exaggerated descriptions of stock market wealth myths eventually become candies that attract passers-by to become investors or traders. However, all people blindly overestimate their abilities. At the beginning of entering the market, almost no one will think of the madness and greed of human nature, which will often make traders very impetuous. It's easy to make money what you see or hear, but it's not representative, which no trader has ever thought of.

As a matter of fact, many good wishes before entering the market will basically wake up at the beginning, or even break their dreams. How many traders will suddenly realize after they really lose money? Oh, it turns out that stock speculation will also lose money. Doesn't it mean that if the price is low, just buy it, will it eventually rise back? In fact, compared with the trading myth, the stock market produces more loss tragedies, but almost all traders stare at the few people who make money and never think that they will lose money at all.

More cruelly, losses will not change with the increase of your trading level and trading experience. no matter how many years you have been in the business, you will still lose money. the ability and level of all trading is to lose as little as possible when you lose money, not not to lose money. many traders have been dreaming of not losing money, even though some traders understand that they should not pursue perfect trading. Should accept losses, bear losses, but still can not get around their own demons, even if you know what to do, but still can not do it, this sense of powerlessness is the source of pain for all traders, this is trading, we often want to make money from technology, but end up losing money in execution.

A 50% chance doesn't guarantee you can make money.

The so-called trading technology is the most provocative, and many traders learn to imply that it is easy to invest in stocks with a 50% probability. Indeed, from a purely theoretical point of view, in a market that either goes down or goes up, every trader seems to make money more easily. But when we open the trading statements, the results are often surprising, and the results of each trading statement almost perfectly confirm the cold 20-8 law. The theory is fine, but why is the result distorted?

Trading can make 50% profit, but the problem is that we often focus on making a profit without wanting to cause a loss and not turning a paper profit into a paper loss for the sake of profit. once you have a paper loss, you don't want to admit it, always trying to see if you can get a parity (of course). When the parity comes back, we will see if we can make a profit.) even if we really can't stand the stop loss in the end, we often lose our strength. Once you have a paper profit, you don't want to have any decline in the profit that you can put in your pocket immediately. You often make a little profit and rush to close your position, and the result of making less or more losses results in an imbalance of 50% probability, although, from a process point of view, the winning rate of many traders is enough or even higher, but the result is still losing money.

The fact is, apart from high-frequency trading, the winning rate of most trading systems is usually less than 50%. If the success rate of a certain system can reach 50%, it is definitely a very good trading system. Concussion is a necessary transaction cost area for all trading systems, which cannot be avoided in the process of system filtering. Since you can't avoid it, you have to consider the relationship between costs and benefits. That is, the profit-loss ratio.

The uncertainty of the trend has led to losses, but this kind of loss can be controlled in your own hands, and how much you can lose is the only thing the market can determine, and this is also the most important part of the trading system. If there is a threshold for trading, then in this loss, he will not care about whether the trader is smart or stupid, it only cares whether you really care about those small losses.

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