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Fund investment outlook in 2023

1. Your fund investment goals and results in 2022 (Maybe with P/L or positions records)
My MMF P/L is about SGD 660 since first invested in MMF a few months ago. It beats any high interest saving deposit any bank offerred and we can redeem the cash anytime (unlike fixed deposit which may hold the fund for at least a year).
Fund investment outlook in 2023
2. The critical strategy shift this year
I don't see inflation going down significantly in the next quarter and some analysts predict that it will fall back to a reasonable level (2%) at end of 2023. Hence FED will continue to raise interest rate and USD is getting stronger against other currencies.
3. Your fund investment outlook and plan for the upcoming 2023
Stock market will continue to be bearish in year 2023 first quarter. Global economy may enter into staflation - recession with falling inflation. I forsee MMF return rate will continue to increase unless any black swan event occurs e.g. Ukraine-Russian war ends. I plan to invest more in MMF to protect my idle cash against inflation.
4. Sectors and markets with great potential
As mentioned before, the following sectors and markets may grow as inflation remain high:
1. Staples e.g. food
2. Utility e.g. energy and oil
3. Defensive stocks (benefited from crisis) e.g. medicine and weapons
Bottom line
Don't give up hope to build wealth in investment. Based on historical data, economy will definitely recover and stock market will become bullish as soon as inflation drops significantly (sign that FED will start printing money again). At the moment, we need to prepare enough emergency fund and monitor the sectors and markets that will recover faster.
Fund investment outlook in 2023
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I reflected trading experiences by writing journals. My comments are for educational purposes not financial advice.