Trvs89 : It ended early
njdjjx Trvs89 : Can I close early
Trvs89 njdjjx : Yes, it originally ended on the 17th of noon today, but it ended early yesterday evening at 7 o'clock in the evening. I can't subscribe anymore.
77112030 OP Trvs89 : I bought it but I didn't know how much trash this one would be
Cyinsect 琼楼芙蓉 : Right
Trvs89 : It ended early
njdjjx Trvs89 : Can I close early
Trvs89 njdjjx : Yes, it originally ended on the 17th of noon today, but it ended early yesterday evening at 7 o'clock in the evening. I can't subscribe anymore.
77112030 OP Trvs89 : I bought it but I didn't know how much trash this one would be
Cyinsect 琼楼芙蓉 : Right