Alternatively – if after a special preliminary vote held to decide whether the idea has merit and the support of the group – whoever within the group has had the WORST P&L for the month up to that point can be granted the right to transfer as much of their available funds into the stock of their choice (or better yet, they can choose to purchase the CALL OPTION(S) of their choice with an expiry on the FRIDAY occurring 1-3 weeks later, only dropping the ticker in the group chat once the market has opened on..........
WallStreetYoda : whats hexo thursday
xALLSTATEx OP : Ideally, the 3rd Thursday (which would've been yesterday, if this arrangement were already in place)...
Rockhoundj :
Rockhoundj : Also here's ur
Rockhoundj : But seriously…I need to read it over and think on it, thx for the ideas mate
kelmcam37 : I think im in since i already have shares in mullen auto
kelmcam37 : and only of yoda is game lol what you think buddy
rabid rabit : I am in! 100 shares each today. repeat next Thursday, then repeat Thursday december 8th, than sell on the 4th Thursday? have i got that right?
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