What’s your biggest problem when it comes to trading options?
Please share so that others can learn from the post.
My biggest issues, Im generally early into a position which means I could have secured a better entry price. I’m anxious, so I’m a victim of FOMO. Solution: I limit my trading before 11:00am so I have more clarity.
Violets : my biggest issue is buying out of the money but also choosing the correct Greeks for the position I'm taking
Warren E Buffett : Biggest problem is that there is little opportunity these days. Hedges and MMs seem to be favoring the pin to max pain levels,
MarketMatt Channel OP Violets : Good one
MarketMatt Channel OP Warren E Buffett : Lots of manipulation
ZFRacing85 Violets : I have the same problem just a bit to far otm then it goes away need to get itm and stop trying to bottom tick it wait of the move to confirm.
Ravi_Sharma : How to put stop loss and resistance ? to decide when to buy and when to sell. 2ndly this stop loss and resistance should be drawn by using how many past days ? or is there best indicator to use it ?
MarketMatt Channel OP Ravi_Sharma : All good questions if you ask me on YouTube, any day premarket, I will gladly answer each and every question however, on this platform, it would be way too much to type to explain
Ravi_Sharma MarketMatt Channel OP : I m new and just want to learn as basic fundamental.