Talk about investment concepts with retail friends
$Hang Seng Index (800000.HK)$Investing is about risk, risk is the possibility of losing, that is, any investment is risky. That is, it is often said that there are empty handed white wolves in the world. The truth is that if we want to get a return on investment, we must take the risk accordingly, which is most often heard by one person That is, when the investment is not risky, or the person is not at all at the level, or the person is a crook.
How much wealth can a person accumulate in a lifetime? It does not depend on how much money you can make, but on how you invest, looking for money over people looking for money, knowing that money works for you and not for you to work for money, this is a classic phrase that Buffett said 🤝
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Peter YCS
YTD cut 80% from high. don't expect much from chinese and covid lockdown saving life is a top priority for them now. sell sell sell
HopelessChi Peter YCS : YTD cut 80% from high. don't expect much from chinese and covid lockdown saving life is a top priority for them now. sell sell sell