...oil just ran from 6.5 to 130 back down to 65, that's retracing 52.6% of the bull run. if you were at the ocean and you watched a wave approach and crash, then the ocean receded half way from where that wave started - you had better start running for higher ground!!! do you get the analogy... This is what commodity cycles do, and this current cycle is the last 3 cycles on steroids! 175 OIL will happen. 200+ oil is very very possible, but iam getting ahead of myself... for now leave oil alone unless you short it. When it hits 65, iam buying everything I can get my hands on (this is real life not just the stock market, I will be trying to purchase entire tankers of gasoline and diesel), the oil stocks should follow the stock market action and NOT the commodity price action. As shown below oil stocks were on a bullish run even as oil the commodity fell in price. I expect the opposite, however the bottom in oil should also coincide closely with a temp bottom in oil stocks.
Buffalo : Very true about the fiat monetary system. Sad but true.
icezzz : GDX drop yesterday. Is it trend reversal or pullback?
iamiam OP icezzz : I think it's a pullback, it's trying to bottom, but it can sell down again.
bullrider_21 : What effects do you think the EU price cap, EU bans on seaborne crude and refined products have on crude oil prices?
bullrider_21 : What about OPEC+ production cuts?
iamiam OP bullrider_21 : none of it really matters right now. oil is in a trade, meaning the chart will do what it is going to do.
iamiam OP bullrider_21 : just as a note on europe, nothing they do with oil matters, they are digging their own graves. they dont have their own energy, they are dependent on Russia, and the more they bite the hand that powers them, the worse it will get. the only thing to do with europe is short it into the dark ages which is where they are going.
bullrider_21 iamiam OP : So do you think oil prices will get a pop and then continue falling to USD65?
iamiam OP bullrider_21 : it might, oil is on a nine count reversal on the daily, so it could push up, but it's still below the moving Averages, and would have to fight really hard to reverse.
Revelation 6 : Run away, run away. I love it. A totally different time and a place. And it worked, well!
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