$Fullerton SGD Cash Fund (SG9999005961.MF)$hi there, 7d yield of Fullerton Cash Fund is always at 3.4% ish, does that mean that it's better than SSB? (currently at 3.4% p.a for 10 years)
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Fullerton SGD Cash Fund's returns in the past. Moving forward for the next 10 years, do you foresee the yield will remain or even better than 3.4% pa? Just enjoy the ride for now.
stabilorrr : Ssb is long term.. This is short term.. Diversify
kind Wombat_2436 OP stabilorrr : may I know why you'd say this is short term?
Guo Feng kind Wombat_2436 OP : Because the rates fluctuates, whereas SSB is a more stable rate.
TLim77 : Fullerton SGD Cash Fund's returns in the past. Moving forward for the next 10 years, do you foresee the yield will remain or even better than 3.4% pa? Just enjoy the ride for now.
stabilorrr kind Wombat_2436 OP : Cos interest rate will drop after a few years.. Ssb will fix the interest rate for more years..