The percentage falls to 3.1886% today . But I dont really understand how they calculate . Is it base on where the % stands when you pump in your funds or the total amount that you top & mutliply the %
All major banks (online banking) can apply, such as DBS/POSB, which can be found in Investments. Visit SSB's website for additional details.
Vincent tmk : ver low if continue like that, i might as well put FD ! dont make sense at all
Bone85 : The percentage falls to 3.1886% today . But I dont really understand how they calculate . Is it base on where the % stands when you pump in your funds or the total amount that you top & mutliply the %
TLim77 : See got any new coupons in Dec or not. Otherwise SSB and T-bills are good alternative.
sociable Dingo_8604 : I‘m also waiting for new coupons. Banks now offering higher rates in Dec.
Silvie OP : What is SSB
Silvie OP : The feeling of being scammed
Silvie OP 102106742 : Where can I buy it
Retired Silvie OP : Singapore Saving Bond
Cyinsect Silvie OP : All major banks (online banking) can apply, such as DBS/POSB, which can be found in Investments. Visit SSB's website for additional details.
Silvie OP : thanks
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