Mountain Money
Crypto Crazy
cutting loss? good luck making it up somewhere else when you can just have at least 1 out of 2 balls and wait till tomorrow
OPintuitive Jackal_354
it wont matter when we move back your right yo do whst u feel obviously but there is a reason. for me it's because i am betting next week at the latest and after hours at the earliest we will see a big spike. dident the ceo buy more ? we herd about it today?
Crypto Crazy : just added more. still holding cash in case .255
yyy7766 : sold cut loss
Mountain Money Crypto Crazy : cutting loss? good luck making it up somewhere else when you can just have at least 1 out of 2 balls and wait till tomorrow
intuitive Jackal_354 : sold, no reason to lose money
WallStreetYoda OP intuitive Jackal_354 : it wont matter when we move back your right yo do whst u feel obviously but there is a reason. for me it's because i am betting next week at the latest and after hours at the earliest we will see a big spike. dident the ceo buy more ? we herd about it today?