Positive and Huat
If ppl find the offer is undervalued (0.75) vs NAV (0.99), price will move up accordingly. They holding 45% to 47% now, up from 42%. So not many ppl blink their eyes. And they say this is final offer, some of us will blink our eyes & give in.
努力学习的小妹 : If they change to a higher offer, can tty buy it at a lower price when the market opens and wait for him to buy it back?
Stock Watch OP 努力学习的小妹 : yes
Stock Watch OP 努力学习的小妹 : but usually, the price changes accordingly to the offer price
Kenken7979 : trying to lowball the shareholders at 0.72
JJ Hou Kenken7979 : isnt it revise to 75cents?https://links.sgx.com/FileOpen/Revision_of_Offer_Consideration_Announcement.ashx?App=Announcement&FileID=740617
Stock Watch OP JJ Hou : Yes.. 75
Stock Watch OP JJ Hou : let's reject the offer
Positive and Huat : If ppl find the offer is undervalued (0.75) vs NAV (0.99), price will move up accordingly.
They holding 45% to 47% now, up from 42%. So not many ppl blink their eyes.
And they say this is final offer, some of us will blink our eyes & give in.
Let's see who will have final laugh!