95% planning & doing homework
5% execution
BB - Below Bid: meaning use ur spreadsheet, if u are missing calling the best entry. And each time u buy an options position u start out -12%, -15%, -20%, than start under bidding.
EXIT STRATEGY: we all try and secure the best profit when we exit a play, however, if you notice that you miss max profit, by an average of 10, 20, 40%, the next time you plan to sell nibble on the way out
Leave emotions 🖤 out when trading. If u are emotional 🥹 when trading, u will sell the good trades too soon, hold the bad trades too long.
Have a great weekend everybody!
intuitive Jackal_354 : just curious your thoughts on futu, more room to run or do you think it'll pull back before starting higher ?
MarketMatt Channel OP intuitive Jackal_354 : China seems a little frothy, so I would be careful. It’s moved a lot in the past couple of days.