Exchange rate
$CSOP USD Money Market Fund (SGXZ96797238.MF)$ intend to get this but it is in USD. is there any other way to convert SGD to USD other than moomoo currency exchange function? i.e deposit in USD? or is moomoo’s exchange rate acceptable?
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Moomoo Lily : @moomoo Buddy Please help with it.
Moomoo Buddy : Dear valued customer, if you'd like to subscribe the USD money market fund, exception of the currency exchange function, you can directly deposit USD to your account. And the exchange rates for the 'currency exchange' services provided by moomoo SG are fluctuating as foreign exchange market and counterparties. You can check the rates in the 'currency exchange' page, and then you can decide whether you want to do the currency exchange or not. Thanks for your support and have a nice day ahead