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Mooers' Stories Vol.10 – ZnWC

Hi, mooers. Welcome back to "Mooers' Stories", where we present mooers' insights and experiences. Do you like watching anime? Are you looking for useful tools to hone your investing skills? If so, you shall never miss the anime investor @ZnWC's story. Let's take a look at how he motivates himself to do better in investing with moomoo features, self-reflection, etc. Get a load of this!
Mooers' Stories Vol.10 – ZnWC
Notes: All the information comes from the interviewee and is published under the interviewee's consent. The testimonial provided herein may not represent other customers' experience, and there is no guarantee of future performance or success.
Investing story: Investment is the answer, but you need to learn how to manage this powerful tool.
Why do you call yourself an anime investor?
I love to watch japanese anime ha ha. Recently interested in learning about investment.
When and why did you start investing?
I started investing many years ago mainly in fixed deposit, dividend stocks and robo advisor. I joined moomoo 2 years ago after knowing that it provides courses about investment and we can try mock trading - paper trade.
At first I started investing because l want to plan for retirement. As l learn more about investment, it occurs to me that retirement is more than just earning passive income. It is about choosing the lifestyle you want to live, building wealth to beat inflation and helping others.
What kind of investor are you?
I should consider myself a long-term investor. I will not sell the stocks unless the company's fundamental has changed. However, I do trade for profit if I find the conditions are right. I'm still new to options and at the learning stage.
What will you research before investing?
I look at earning reports, read analyst's articles and study charts. Moomoo platform is the latest tool I'm using to research a company's stock. There are many tools to use in Moomoo.
Just to name a few - heat map, stock screener, capital charts, price chart. For price trends and options, I use Bollinger bands, mcad and Greeks. l also read company reports and information here. l also learn about investment using the tutorials. To build my confidence in trading, I do paper trading frequently. It also tests if your strategy worked, especially in short trading and options.
Is the Moo community helpful for you?
Yes, I found the Moomoo social media very helpful too. Like news and chat. I joined a few chat groups and found that there are liked minded friends like me who want to learn more about investment but are too shy to ask. With the group function, I can create a group of a certain interest e.g. FIRE and invite liked minded friends to join the group.
What are your trading routines?
I'm in retirement in progress or Barista Fire ie take up part time role to supplement my retired living. Beside my part time work, I spent most of my time cooking my meal and exercising and meditating to stay healthy. I spend my remaining time reading mainly about investment and learn to invest by taking courses from Moomoo tutorial. Occasionally I write about my experience in my cooking and investment journey.
I monitor the stock market daily mainly US and SG. However I don't trade daily. I buy and sell when I achieve my profit goal and trade options when the condition is favourable.
How do you reflect on your trade?
Just write about what you did right and what you did wrong and any new ideas. Sometimes I post them in Moomoo. This is one of my reflections when I invested in crypto and lost money. I modified and posted on Moomoo. Horror stories about investment
Mooers' Stories Vol.10 – ZnWC
How do you deal with losses or trades that turned out badly?
It is sad when you lose money. Hence. l write reflection about my losses and motivate myself to do better next time - it is all about how much risk you are willing to take.
Rule #1 let it go, and rule #3 give it time. Time can heal anything.
Source: ZnWC
Source: ZnWC
What lessons have you learned from investing?
Many lessons. It is about building wealth not being rich. It is about risk management - always keep some emergency funds. If you don't learn to make money while you are sleeping, you will work till you die.
Words for newcomers
If possible, it will be great to do what you like in life. It will be greater if you can help others at the same time without having to worry about living. Investment is the answer, but you need to learn how to manage this powerful tool.
Always be objective about information about investment, try to look at both sides positive and negative. Take responsibility for your investment and do your own due diligence.
Interactive Activity
1. Make your choice
2. Spark meaningful conversations
Topic: What else do you want to know about @ZnWC? Any other topics you wanna discuss with him? Comment below to let us know.
1. 30 points for mooer who raises insightful and @ZnWC-related questions
2. 70 points for ZnWC's each reply to mooers' questions
Duration: From now to Dec. 30 23:59 ET
(Rewards will be distributed within 5–10 working days after the activity ends.)
Notes: We encourage benign and in-depth interaction, from which all mooers can learn from each other, helping our community members be more courageous and not alone in the investing journey.
We truly appreciate @ZnWC for sharing his valuable and inspiring experience with us! Feel free to interact with him if you have anything to say!
Just in case you didn't know, you can also be the one to tell the story! There is also a chance for your story to get more exposure on multi-channel media. For instance, @MooMamaLlamaDrama' story was published on THE AUSTRALIAN website. >Check it out<
Interested? Comment below to let us know! We'll reach out to you as soon as possible! Thanks for your time. See you next time!
Disclosure: The testimonial provided herein may not represent other customers' experience, and there is no guarantee of future performance or success.
Disclaimer: This presentation is for informational and educational use only and is not a recommendation or endorsement of any particular investment or investment strategy. Investment information provided in this content is general in nature, strictly for illustrative purposes, and may not be appropriate for all investors.  It is provided without respect to individual investors’ financial sophistication, financial situation, investment objectives, investing time horizon, or risk tolerance. You should consider the appropriateness of this information having regard to your relevant personal circumstances before making any investment decisions. Past investment performance does not indicate or guarantee future success. Returns will vary, and all investments carry risks, including loss of principal.
Options trading entails significant risk and is not appropriate for all customers. It is important that investors read Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options ( before engaging in any options trading strategies. Options transactions are often complex and may involve the potential of losing the entire investment in a relatively short period of time. Certain complex options strategies carry additional risk, including the potential for losses that may exceed the original investment amount. When short selling there is no limit on how high a stock price could rise so the potential loss is unlimited. Other risks include dividend risk and margin risk, this strategy is not appropriate for all investors
Disclaimer: Moomoo Technologies Inc. is providing this content for information and educational use only. Read more
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  • Mooers LabOP : undefinedHey, mooers. Let's give a big round of applause for @ZnWC. Feel free to interact with him if you have anything to say!

    undefinedJust in case you didn't know, you can also be the one to tell the story! Comment to let me know if you're interested.

    There is also a chance for your story to get more exposure on other media channels.
    @MooMamaLlamaDrama' story was published on THE AUSTRALIAN website. Check it out!

  • ZnWC : Thank you 🙆‍♀️🙆‍♀️😸 for giving this opportunity to share.

  • doctorpot1 : Great sharing undefinedundefined

    Financial advisers usually advise us to shift most to safer investments such as bonds as we retire, so it is interesting that you are allocating your investment into riskier assets like stocks and even options. May I know why you choose to invest in riskier assets in your retirement years?

  • hanabi3 : Thank you for sharing your story undefined

    Since you call yourself the "anime investor", are there any anime that you've watched that are related to investing? Or are there any takeaways about investing that you've gained from watching anime?

  • cola1010 : Wow, thank you for great sharing. It is always a good idea to have a retirement plan in place, or  FIRE. Retirement planning, in my opinion, takes into account not only assets and income, but also future expenses and liabilities. Do you have any suggestions or references for saving or investing for our retirement? How much do I need for retirement?

  • kind Dolphin_7635 : "retirement in progress..."
    may we know your age ~ range of 5 years?

  • niece : @ZnWC,  what is your portfolio allocation

  • ZnWC doctorpot1: Most part of my portfolio is stable investment like government bond, T-Bill and low risk fund. Out of curiousity, I decided to use about 10% to explore high risk investment - cryptocurrency and option trading. I wanted to diversify my investment in term of risk. I believe that any high risk investment can be managed. For example, selling put option can be used as a tool to buy discounted stock and earn premium but you must know what you are doing. I see great potential in ETH after it shifted to pos (proof of stake) mechanism in Sept this year. However you need to keep ETH in cold wallet (ledger) as crypto exchangers are no longer consider safe.

  • ZnWC cola1010: I can share my retirement experience with you but for  retirement financial advice, you need to ask expert or do your due diligence.  I decided to choose Barista Fire because I no longer has any liability - own a decent property and has no debt. I invest most of my time to manage a healthy and simple lifestyle (cook and eat healthy food, exercise and meditate daily and learn new things). My investment goal is to build wealth and help others. Currently I'm learning how to build wealth through investment, writing and cooking.

    For the investment, you can read my posts as I write journal to reflect my investment experience. I also learned a lot from liked-minded Mooers here just to name a few: @doctorpot1@MooMamaLlamaDrama@Syuee@SpyderCall@TeslaSmurf@Milk The Cow

  • Milk The Cow ZnWC:

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