sensible Dinosaur_90 : I'm willing to lose a few cents a share to make sure it's peaked :)
Qui Vivra Verra : I buy call for this next week Friday expire 2.5 strike, now 2.9 nice
Alvinnnnnnngenius OP Qui Vivra Verra : Congrats
Qui Vivra Verra Alvinnnnnnngenius OP : Thank you
101612986 : What do you think of this company?
sensible Dinosaur_90 : I'm willing to lose a few cents a share to make sure it's peaked :)
Qui Vivra Verra : I buy call for this next week Friday expire 2.5 strike, now 2.9 nice
Alvinnnnnnngenius OP Qui Vivra Verra : Congrats
Qui Vivra Verra Alvinnnnnnngenius OP : Thank you
101612986 : What do you think of this company?