How to get notified when mooers you care make a post?
By default, the Moo community sends you notifications when you are liked or mentioned by other mooers. But what if you want to stay on top of the updates of mooers you're not directly interacting with?
Check out the steps below to make sure you're receiving notifications once the mooers you follow post anything.
GuidanceHit the "Follow" button on the mooer's homepage.
Tap the bell to get notifications once the mooer creates a new post.
3. Make sure "Starred Users" is toggled on
Path: "Me" > "Settings" > "Notifications" > "Community" > "Starred Users"
FAQQ: Where can I check the Notifications?
A: Moo > Notifications > Starred
Hope these tips are helpful to you! Feel free to drop a comment if you have any suggestions.
Disclaimer: Moomoo Technologies Inc. is providing this content for information and educational use only.
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Gianni : Deposit is not working on your side fix
StlCtyPreach : It'd be nice if we could follow individual posts.
MooMamaLlama StlCtyPreach : you can follow individual posts... either follow the post or follow the OP, either way you'll get notified x
StlCtyPreach MooMamaLlama : I think I worded that wrong, I meant follow individual comments. You can follow individual posts by following the poster, and sometimes if you put a like on something it will give you notifications about that individual post/comment, but a comment itself doesn't have a notification system built into it.
Take this comment. You will get a notification because I'm typing directly to you, but if someone else wanted to follow it to see if someone like you replied to me they couldn't get a notification about it.
MooMamaLlama StlCtyPreach : ahhhh gotcha!!! good point
MooMamaLlama StlCtyPreach : the only way would be to like/reply to comment adding your own name eg @moomama etc and author of comment or OP eg. @StlCtyPreach
might try that myself, see if it works comsistently