SENOR ButtsMcGee
Not an APE, more of a Hawk, AMC is a wave I ride, bout at 4 sold at 8 last deal, 5 dollars yeah it will get back to 8 dunno if it can break 8
SENOR ButtsMcGee
Word on street, Next Bridge is full up becsuse of european and asia that cant sell transfered early, grey market monday
MuscMoo : i will sell mtlp and buy $AMC Preferred Equity Unit (APE.US)$
OBIfromMEM OP MuscMoo : i wouldnt
John 3 16 MuscMoo : Makes sense. it should rip next week and APE is low.
SENOR ButtsMcGee OBIfromMEM OP : Not an APE, more of a Hawk, AMC is a wave I ride, bout at 4 sold at 8 last deal, 5 dollars yeah it will get back to 8 dunno if it can break 8
SENOR ButtsMcGee OBIfromMEM OP : Word on street, Next Bridge is full up becsuse of european and asia that cant sell transfered early, grey market monday
carlos6 : how many shares?