Calm922C23 : are you sure will up up up
心急吃不了热豆腐 : U only completed one transaction despite the online time we not sure if you are serious or what .. U
102819277 OP Calm922C23 : ...I will support all the way....Semcorp Marine will not let us down...I have confidence with them.
Calm922C23 102819277 OP :
Wang1Wang 102819277 OP : Where is your confidence from?
Calm922C23 : are you sure will up up up
心急吃不了热豆腐 : U only completed one transaction despite the online time we not sure if you are serious or what .. U
102819277 OP Calm922C23 : ...I will support all the way....Semcorp Marine will not let us down...I have confidence with them.
Calm922C23 102819277 OP :
Wang1Wang 102819277 OP : Where is your confidence from?