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2022 Recap: The worst, the best, and the stories behind
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2022 Recap: Stocks of the Year

Despite feeling like we're still on a bumpy road to recovery, we've finally managed to get through the year 2022. Before looking back through your portfolio, trade records, and profits/losses of 2022, how about taking a quick glimpse at those popular stocks that all mooers have been eyeing?
Here we go for the 2022 stock market recap! We've got the most-viewed, most-mentioned, and most-watched stocks on moomoo in 2022. They present a panorama of mooers' 2022 very well.
They say if you look at something long enough, you'll start to love it. Here comes the 2022 most-viewed stocks list on moomoo. They are among the favorite stocks of mooers this year!
2022 recap: Hot stocks Tesla, Apple, Meta, Amazon, NIO, AMC, TWTR, SPY, Microsoft, Netflix
2022 recap: Hot stocks Tesla, Apple, Meta, Amazon, NIO, AMC, TWTR, SPY, Microsoft, Netflix
We found that whenever certain major events hit the market, excited mooers would rush to post and mention the related stocks in the comment section. This happened, for example, when stock buybacks occurred, layoffs happened, or Warren Buffett shorted something for the first time. Behind those posts and comments are way more than just knowledge shared. There are also mooers' feelings vented out! So let's look at the most-mentioned stocks this year, which may be the barometers of mooers' emotions!
2022 recap: Hot Stocks including AMC, Tesla, Apple, Futu, NIO, GME, SPY, BABA, Amazon, NVIDIA
2022 recap: Hot Stocks including AMC, Tesla, Apple, Futu, NIO, GME, SPY, BABA, Amazon, NVIDIA
Every time you add a stock to the watchlist, it's like planting a tiny seed of hope, wishing that one day it may deliver a bumper harvest. With the market mood remaining pessimistic, a group of investors decided to embrace dividend stocks in 2022. Have those stocks become the mainstream on moomoo? Let's find the answer by revealing the most-watched stocks. They must have been added to the watchlist for some good reasons!
2022 Recap: Stocks of the Year
Do you think the above-mentioned stocks are the most iconic ones for 2022?
Are there any other stocks worth being nominated?
Please leave your comments below to share your selections with others!
Mooers who nominate their favorite stocks in the comment section will get 22 points each as a reward.
Disclaimer: Moomoo Technologies Inc. is providing this content for information and educational use only. Read more
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