Please improve on the fee calculator as the amount does not ...
Please improve on the fee calculator as the amount does not reflect correctly, and not taking into account of promotional prices as well (e.g. platform fee is free now at the moment but yet is still reflecting on the calculator). Also settlement fee is always showing 0 despite the revised rate now on moo charges for every share traded. This feature is good for us to know how much on top of the trading amount we have to pay, so it has to be accurate and up to date. In addition, please set the Comm fee free selection as default YES for U.S stock trading since comm fee is free forever, so no chances of accidental selection resulting to wrong computation.
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Moomoo Lily : Hi mooer, thanks for the advice. You advice has been forwarded to related colleges.
Moomoo Lily : Hi mooer, the new fee calculator will be released next year! Please stay tuned and thank you for your support.
Mars Mooo :