Why is it we the people stay pretty stupid until we are mid thirty’s or 40? Thd. Lightbulbs go off and we realize we were railroaded by leftist BS (like “we”are owed free stuff from people who worked hard to get ahead! And we were stagnated because we bought the Democrats lies that the world owes us! It is good to GROW UP and start joining theSmart People and vote Conservative! Ottawa hard lesson! But REAL important to this country’s survival!
72734102 : Why is it we the people stay pretty stupid until we are mid thirty’s or 40? Thd. Lightbulbs go off and we realize we were railroaded by leftist BS (like “we”are owed free stuff from people who worked hard to get ahead! And we were stagnated because we bought the Democrats lies that the world owes us! It is good to GROW UP and start joining theSmart People and vote Conservative! Ottawa hard lesson! But REAL important to this country’s survival!
Wayne Stoegbauer 72734102 : Who's really roaded, right
LaPhạmilia :
LaPhạmilia :