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Elon should just keep selling.

$Tesla (TSLA.US)$ Just keep selling, get your money while you can.
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  • Silverbat : No more

  • Fist of Fury : you are a toxic person spreading fake news. there are no new sells from Elon. he is obviously trying to stable the share price. Chill. it is their money and their shares. they can do what they want.

  • 小聪哥_ : Although Elon's words are unbelievable! However, I just said that if you don't reduce your holdings within 2 years, you won't reduce your holdings in the short term; you won't do it for at least half a year!

  • The Value Investor OP Fist of Fury : I never said elon was selling, I said he should keep selling. If English is your second language or something that’s understandable, otherwise, god bless the education system.

  • The Value Investor OP Fist of Fury : If the price goes down why is that a bad thing. You all happily buy TSLA at $300 a share, but not 100? Doesn’t make sense. If an iphone is 60% off would you complain? If anything you should want it to go lower. The less you pay, the higher your return. Nothing has changed in Tesla as a business, only the stock has gone down. You’re telling me I can buy the same great business for 70% less? Why are you f’ing complaining your moron!?!

  • The Value Investor OP Fist of Fury : If I’m toxic, that’s fine. But I’m also right. I rather be right and toxic, then a pleasant idiot. What’s your average price on TSLA? Literally whenever, I start my position it will probably be a third of your position. It’s almost as if valuation matters. Surprise surprise, market cap, P/E and free cash flow are important! Been saying it for a long time now. Trading is different though, trading goes off charts not the fundamentals, but if you’re investing for the long term and buying TSLA at a 1T evaluation or even 600B evaluation, you need this experience to learn. You need to be absolutely crushed so you either quit and stop throwing away your money, OR, you wake up and ask yourself, “what went wrong?” And then hopefully, just hopefully, you will understand the importance of value and valuations.

Value investing is the only (right) type of investing. Follow my paperfolio.