I've seen about 10 different dates, but the way it ran end of last week made me think today may be correct. now I just feel like they beat it to .60 to price it in already so who the hell knows
since the beginning they have been trying to hype dates then drop it on those dates. This is an old and played out tactic. It doesn't work.
RageAndLove : I think T+90 is Jan 4, 2023.
John 3 16 RageAndLove : I counted daily APE candles in TradingView twice and got 89 before the market opened.
OSU4Life OP RageAndLove : I've seen about 10 different dates, but the way it ran end of last week made me think today may be correct. now I just feel like they beat it to .60 to price it in already so who the hell knows
ProfB22M RageAndLove : Lol. I don’t think there will be any key movements.
73164936 ProfB22M : since the beginning they have been trying to hype dates then drop it on those dates. This is an old and played out tactic. It doesn't work.
ProfB22M : Exactly
Domingo Friggin Ramirez : this is the 90th trading day. ppl talking about holidays, weekends, "I think"
it's literally today.
Domingo Friggin Ramirez RageAndLove : why.. how do you come to that? 90 trading days is today
Domingo Friggin Ramirez John 3 16 : u got it bud.
RageAndLove : Subtract the holidays
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