Doge SG : Pamp it
tinymonster1987 OP Doge SG : I’m not vested. Just watching how the bag holders get played by Elon again and again. :)
Doge SG tinymonster1987 OP : He’s not gonna sell for another 18-24mths, i listened to the entire session that day on twitter spaces
Divided Sky tinymonster1987 OP : i think you are wrong
70221919 Doge SG : Only foolishest people believe what Elon said.
Doge SG : Pamp it
tinymonster1987 OP Doge SG : I’m not vested. Just watching how the bag holders get played by Elon again and again. :)
Doge SG tinymonster1987 OP : He’s not gonna sell for another 18-24mths, i listened to the entire session that day on twitter spaces
Divided Sky tinymonster1987 OP : i think you are wrong
70221919 Doge SG : Only foolishest people believe what Elon said.